Address Generator
Powered by libdogecoin v0.1.2
// LibDogecoin 0.1.2 #include "libdogecoin.h" #include#include //#define PRIVKEYWIFLEN 51 //WIF length for uncompressed keys is 51 and should start with Q. This can be 52 also for compressed keys. 53 internally to lib (+stringterm) #define PRIVKEYWIFLEN 53 //Function takes 53 but needs to be fixed to take 51. //#define MASTERKEYLEN 111 //should be chaincode + privkey; starts with dgpv51eADS3spNJh8 or dgpv51eADS3spNJh9 (112 internally including stringterm? often 128. check this.) #define MASTERKEYLEN 128 // Function expects 128 but needs to be fixed to take 111. //#define PUBKEYLEN 34 //our mainnet addresses are 34 chars if p2pkh and start with D. Internally this is cited as 35 for strings that represent it because +stringterm. #define PUBKEYLEN 35 // Function expects 35, but needs to be fixed to take 34. // Example of how to use libdogecoin API functions: // gcc ./libdogecoin-php/libdogecoin-json.c -I./include -L./lib -ldogecoin -o ./libdogecoin-php/libdogecoin-json-php int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { dogecoin_ecc_start(); char wif_privkey[PRIVKEYWIFLEN]; char p2pkh_pubkey[PUBKEYLEN]; char wif_master_privkey[MASTERKEYLEN]; char p2pkh_master_pubkey[PUBKEYLEN]; char p2pkh_child_pubkey[PUBKEYLEN]; // JSON keypair generation if (strcmp(argv[1], "generatePrivPubKeypair") == 0){ if (generatePrivPubKeypair(wif_privkey, p2pkh_pubkey, 0)) { printf("{\"private\":\"%s\",\"public\":\" %s\"}", wif_privkey, p2pkh_pubkey); } else { printf("{\"error\":\"1\"}"); return -1; } }; if (strcmp(argv[1], "generateHDMasterPubKeypair") == 0){ if (generateHDMasterPubKeypair(wif_master_privkey, p2pkh_master_pubkey, 0)) { printf("{\"private\":\"%s\",\"public\":\" %s\"}", wif_master_privkey, p2pkh_master_pubkey); } else { printf("{\"error\":\"1\"}"); return -1; } } if (strcmp(argv[1], "generateDerivedHDPubkey") == 0){ if (generateDerivedHDPubkey((const char*)wif_master_privkey, (char*)p2pkh_child_pubkey)) { printf("{\"private\":\"%s\",\"public\":\" %s\"}", wif_master_privkey, p2pkh_child_pubkey); } else { printf("{\"error\":\"1\"}"); return -1; } } // keypair verification //argv[1] = command //argv[2] = privat key //argv[3] = public key if (strcmp(argv[1], "verifyPrivPubKeypair") == 0){ if (verifyPrivPubKeypair(argv[2], argv[3], 0)) { printf("{\"valid\":\"true\"}"); } else { printf("{\"valid\":\"false\"}"); return -1; } } if (strcmp(argv[1], "verifyHDMasterPubKeypair") == 0){ if (verifyHDMasterPubKeypair(argv[2], argv[3], 0)) { printf("{\"valid\":\"true\"}"); } else { printf("{\"valid\":\"false\"}"); return -1; } } // address verification //argv[1] = command //argv[2] = dp2pkh public key if (strcmp(argv[1], "verifyP2pkhAddress") == 0){ if (verifyP2pkhAddress(argv[2], strlen(argv[2]))) { printf("{\"valid\":\"true\"}"); } else { printf("{\"valid\":\"false\"}"); return -1; } } // build transaction //argv[1] = command //argv[2] = hash_doge (tx hash with doge) //argv[3] = external_p2pkh_addr //argv[4] = 5.0 (doge to send) //argv[5] = 0.00226 (fees) //argv[6] = 12 (tx index) //argv[7] = mypubkey //argv[8] = myscriptpubkey //argv[9] = myprivkey if (strcmp(argv[1], "start_transaction") == 0){ int idx = start_transaction(); add_utxo(idx, argv[2], 1); add_output(idx, argv[3], argv[4]); finalize_transaction(idx, argv[3], argv[5], argv[6], argv[7]); sign_transaction(idx, argv[8], argv[9]); printf("{\"rawtx\":\"%s\"}", get_raw_transaction(idx)); remove_all(); } // Get the moon if (strcmp(argv[1], "moon") == 0){ printf("{\"moon\":\"%s\"}", moon()); } dogecoin_ecc_stop(); }
<php /** * File: Functions used on the Libdogecoin * Description: Bind Libdogecoin to PHP using c compiled that prints in JSON format * * Available Commands: * moon * generatePrivPubKeypair * generateHDMasterPubKeypair * generateDerivedHDPubkey * verifyPrivPubKeypair * verifyHDMasterPubKeypair * verifyP2pkhAddress * start_transaction */ // class DogeBridge to be able to interact beetwin DB and Dogecoin Core RCP class LibDogecoin { private function command ($commands){ exec('./libdogecoin-php/libdogecoin-json-php '.implode(" ", $commands).' 2>&1', $output, $retval); return json_decode($output[0]); } // get moon public function moon(){ $commands[] = "moon"; return $this->command($commands); } // keypair generation public function generatePrivPubKeypair(){ $commands[] = "generatePrivPubKeypair"; return $this->command($commands); } // keypair generation public function generateHDMasterPubKeypair(){ $commands[] = "generateHDMasterPubKeypair"; return $this->command($commands); } // keypair generation public function generateDerivedHDPubkey(){ $commands[] = "generateDerivedHDPubkey"; return $this->command($commands); } // keypair verification public function verifyPrivPubKeypair($privateKey,$publicKey){ $commands[] = "generateDerivedHDPubkey"; $commands[] = $privateKey; $commands[] = $publicKey; return $this->command($commands); } // keypair verification public function verifyHDMasterPubKeypair($privateKey,$publicKey){ $commands[] = "verifyHDMasterPubKeypair"; $commands[] = $privateKey; $commands[] = $publicKey; return $this->command($commands); } // address verification public function verifyP2pkhAddress($publicKey){ $commands[] = "verifyP2pkhAddress"; $commands[] = $publicKey; return $this->command($commands); } // build transaction public function start_transaction($hash_doge,$external_p2pkh_addr,$doge_amount,$fees,$tx_index,$mypubkey,$myscriptpubkey,$myprivkey){ $commands[] = "start_transaction"; $commands[] = $hash_doge; $commands[] = $external_p2pkh_addr; $commands[] = $doge_amount; $commands[] = $fees; $commands[] = $tx_index; $commands[] = $mypubkey; $commands[] = $myscriptpubkey; $commands[] = $myprivkey; return $this->command($commands); } } $LibDogecoin = new LibDogecoin(); ?>